When it comes to search engine optimization and optimizing your web site, the anchor text of your internal links, anchor text of those links are important. Let’s take a look further and discuss more about internal anchor text links.
There are some common pitfalls with SEO efforts, so learning about them can help you stay on track. One of them is the issue of anchor text with your internal links. An anchor text link is a visible link that the reader can take from that area of the text to another web page. Setting them up in the form of a hyperlink is very simple and highly effective.
Anchor Text Weight
Most search engines give a great deal of weight to the use of anchor text. This is because it is easier for them to identify what the page is about. If you are doing what you can to increase your ranking on any search engines, this is one piece of advice you really want to follow.
Google is the top search engine that millions of people use every single day. They look a the internal anchor text, but they also pay very good attention to anchor text that is found on other websites. You won’t have much control over that though so focus your energy on getting those internal links set up with your anchor text. Internal optimization should never be overlooked with SEO. However, too many website owners are focused on external elements only.
If you already have a website in place, carefully evaluate the internal navigation process of it. You should have them in place for all of the pages on your website. This not only helps with SEO efforts and ranking though. It also makes your site very simple for visitors to navigate, and that will keep them coming back.
Internal Anchor Text
However, these internal anchor texts are really only going to help you out if they adequately are able to describe what you offer on a particular web page. Make sure you use keywords and keyword phrases that are targeted for each web page. This is going to ensue that the phase in the anchor text is seen and that it is in the title tag too for that particular web page.
Don’t use a product name though in your anchor text. That will make it very difficult for both visitors and the search engines to successfully figure out what that means. This is especially true if they haven’t heard of that particular product before. The anchor texts should be focused on keywords for the best SEO results.
Ongoing Monthly SEO Services
While Hartzer Consulting specializes in technical SEO audits of websites, we also provide SEO consulting services, on a retainer basis. We always prefer to begin all new projects with a technical SEO audit to find out the issues that need to be addressed. Contact us today to find out more about our monthly SEO services and how we can help you reach the goals for your website.