Unbounce 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report

Unbounce’s 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report Proves that Attention Spans are Declining, and so are Conversion Rates (CNW Group/Unbounce)

Unbounce has just released its 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report, providing critical insights for digital marketers aiming to optimize their landing page performance. The report, based on data from over 57 million conversions, highlights a major finding: complex copy is drastically hurting conversion rates. In fact, the correlation between difficult language and declining conversions has increased by 62% since 2020. With attention spans shrinking—down to just 47 seconds in 2024—the need for simple, easy-to-read content is more important than ever.

One of the most surprising revelations is that landing pages written at a 5th to 7th-grade reading level perform almost twice as well as those written at a professional level. Pages with simpler language see an average conversion rate of 11.1%, compared to just 5.3% for professional-level copy. This data suggests that marketers need to focus on making their content more accessible to capture and hold attention in an increasingly distracted world.

Another key finding is the vast gap between mobile traffic and conversion rates. While mobile devices now drive 5 times more traffic than desktop, they still convert at a much lower rate. Desktop traffic is converting at 8% higher on average, and in specific industries like health and wellness and professional services, desktop conversion rates are even more dominant. These results highlight the critical need for mobile-first landing page optimization.

The report also debunks the notion that email marketing is outdated. On the contrary, email campaigns are consistently driving higher conversion rates across nearly all industries, with ecommerce seeing the most impressive results at 28.6%. This makes email marketing one of the most reliable channels for driving conversions.

Additionally, Unbounce’s findings reveal that Instagram has emerged as the top social platform for the financial services industry, boasting a 15.5% conversion rate, proving that industry-specific strategies for social media can pay off significantly.

Overall, Unbounce’s 2024 report offers a roadmap for digital marketers looking to make strategic changes to boost conversion rates. By focusing on simplified copy, mobile optimization, and leveraging email and social media channels, marketers can position themselves for success in a highly competitive digital landscape.

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